Friday, July 8, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 14 "The Ball of Mud and Meanness" Review

Alfred and Selina help Bruce on his quest to find his parents' killer Matches Malone. Meanwhile, Gordon follows up with Edward Nygma on Kristin Kringle's whereabouts. Hugo Strange continues his treatment to reduce Penguin's aggression.

This was a really interesting and really well done episodes. in the past episodes there really seemed to be one story plot that was better then all the others and really seemed to be better organized, but in this episode every switch of character seemed to be just as well done. I loved the parts with Nygma and the growing fear that he has that everyone else is going to find out the truth about Kringle. And it was just great to see the more Riddeler side of him. I actually enjoyed watching Bruce in this episode because him and Alfred actually going out into the city and watching them interacting with the other citizens was really funny. Then in the end when Bruce finally confronted Matches it was really great that he chose the path of revenge that he did and I'm curious to see how that death might weigh on him in the future. And I'm curious to see of Bruce and Alfred's relationship might be altered after how this episode ended. I don't think Bruce will manage to live outside of the mansion for very long but we'll see. Then Dr. Strange and Penguin were really fun to see Penguin have to go through all these test and eventually end up being able to leave because he was deemed as cured. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed watching.  

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