Sunday, July 31, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 15 "Taken" Review

Oliver calls in his old friend Vixen for help in fighting Darhk, while Thea has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm.

This was an amazing episode that had a lot of parts to it that managed to fit together really well and not end up as a giant knot of plots. The whole idea of bringing in Vixen to fight a little bit of magic with magic was so great because I have always had this thing in the back of my mind saying that if there going to continue on this storyline of magic that Oliver is on they will eventually need to introduce Vixen and Swamp Thing to help even things out, and they did.Thea's whole conversation with Malcolm went about as well as I was expecting it to go, but I did enjoy line line at the end with Malcolm saying "It's better to have you alive and hate me, then to have you love me and dead." That is just a line that really stuck in my mind. It was really weird seeing how calm William seemed to be with everything it was kind of like he didn't notice he was kidnapped at all. And when his mother was explaining her whole side of the story William's emotions seemed to not fit that at all. Darhk no longer having powers is interesting because I don't think that is going to last very long because there are quite a few episodes left in this season and I don't think he is going to last very long without at least a little magic. Then the ending with Felicity I was not expecting and when she just gets up and walks away is really impossible because it seemed like she had just gained the feeling back in her legs and then she gets up and walks without any problem which is just impossible. Overall this was a really great episode that I really did enjoy.   

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