Sunday, July 10, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 14 "Watchdogs" Review

Agent Mack and his brother step in when a radical group called the Watchdogs plan to eliminate the Inhumans; Simmons finds a powerful chemical compound.

This was a really great that showed a little bit different side of many of the characters. I really liked seeing another side of Mack because up until this point most of life was a mystery to me. I was really sad again when they kept bringing up Hunter and Bobbi because that really is a wound in my heart that I want to heal and not keep getting reopened. So hopefully in each episode, they don't keep bringing it up. The scenes with Coulson and Lincoln were not really what I was expecting, but one of the lines were very true that Lincoln is really only there for Dasiy. It was also a little weird to see a different side of Coulson when he was talking to Felix Blake. And it was nice in my mind that they eventually did show Felix in a wheelchair because when they first showed him fully standing I was a little turned away because there was no way he could have made a full recovery after what Deathlok did to him. Overall this was a very enjoyable watch.     

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