Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 15 "Spacetime" Review

When Daisy gets a horrifying glimpse of the future, S.H.I.E.L.D. races to prove that fate is not fixed.

This was a really interesting episode that I enjoyed. The whole concept of having Daisy be able to see the future and the whole team working with that to better their missions and plan out how to make everything work. Especially the whole thing that they kept going back to where they were training May to go and fight some of the other people by practicing it. And Daisy would be watching over to make everything work out the way she saw it. But I did also enjoy that they did have the other side with Fitz saying that once you see the future it is sort of set in stone and you can't change it so all their plans are trying to change up the future wouldn't work, I enjoy that they did have that side to the story as well. The ending was done really well with everything Daisy saw coming true. I am curious though with the guy that helped Daisy to see the future if he could see the future without touching someone or the only time his powers ever work as one he was touching someone else because then could like he ever see his own future or was he just always other people because that was the person he was touching, so I kind of wish I would have found out more about but I guess that's not going to happen. It was interesting to see this new better version of Ward butt it was also a little odd to see him doing all this stuff and like trying to build up his other guy who sort of like his boss but not really but building him up because this really more powerful person just end up ditching him at the end of the episode felt really kind of weird. But overall I really enjoyed this episode and thought it took a little bit different turn on the story that turned out to be really well done.

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