Thursday, June 30, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 13 "Sins of the Father" Review

Oliver receives an offer from Nyssa that is hard to refuse, Meanwhile Thea continues to battle the bloodlust Malcolm steps in to help his daughter, and Laurel has a Heart to Heart talk with Nyssa.

I loved this episode so much it was so good and full of really great moments. I loved all the backstabbing and secrets weaving around between people and everybody having some kind of hidden agenda. Nyssa being in Star City to find a way to get the ring and its powers was so great but a little weak at first when she tried to get Oliver to do the killing for her. The whole meeting scene between Malcolm and Nyssa was also great with how everything just seemed to turn on a dime. And in the end, what actually happened to the power I was not expecting. And that ending of the power still makes me curious where does Batman's whole training with the league fit into the greater timeline because now this proves that it had to be sometime in the past. But then this changes a bit of Bruce's timeline because he was the one to somewhat end the league, not Oliver. I loved also how quickly Star City just turned into chaos after Nyssa and Malcolm couldn't agree. And with how this episode ended with Malcolm returning to be one of the teams enemies and the info he gave to Dark I can't wait to see the next episode.

1 comment:

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