Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 13 "Welcome to Earth-2" Review

Dr. Harrison, Cisco, and Barry travel to Earth-2 to save Harrison's daughter. Barry assumes the role of his doppelganger, who's married to Iris. He then encounters alternate-Caitlin and alternate-Ronnie, who are Zoom's agents.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was so much fun to watch. I really loved how futuristic but also old timy earth 2 was and how well they did at introducing each of the characters. Also introducing characters that were villains in the Earth 1, but in Earth 2 they are just normal people. And watching Barry and Cisco's reactions to them was a very funny moment. The parts with Barry and Iris on Earth 2 were really great but also felt a bit weird to me because I really felt like Barry was over Iris and moving on with his feeling and then she kisses him once and he is just tailing at her feet again. I love love loved having Killer Frost finally making an appearance and they did such a good job of having the connection between her and firestorm and how they depend on each other to stay at a normal temperature. And after how this episode ended I'm really hoping that they will show the effects Killer Frost's powers have on herself with Firestorm not being around to help her out. Then the parts where Cisco is both imagining what his doppelganger might be like and when he finally meets him were both so fun and great, and it was fun to see a different version of Vibe. Then back on Earth 1, it was a little predictable that as soon as they went through the portal the machine would break so Barry and Cisco can't get back. But with that, it was fun to see Jay fully geared up and filling in as The Flash while Barry is gone. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait to see the next one. 

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