Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 12 "Unchained" Review

The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator. Meanwhile, Nyssa makes her move and Roy Harper returns to Star City.

This was a really great episode that had A lot of interesting twists and turns that I was not expecting at all. I loved that they brought back Roy in this episode and I kind of hope he sticks around more for future episodes. The Calculator in this episode was amazing with all his technology and just how easy this massive plan of his and his ability to find people with dark secrets that they want to keep hidden and blackmail them into doing all his dirty work was just amazing with how well it was written and shown in this episode. Then the surprise at the end showing who The Calculator actually is I was not expecting at all and I can't wait to see how that might effect the group later down the line. Thea in this episode was really sad and it is really setting it up to make it be her grave that Oliver is standing by in the scene that they keep showing every once and a while. Which is really sad if it is true because she is one of the characters I want to die the least. She has made such leaps and bounds of change as the seasons have gone on and she makes such a great Speedy. I still have hope that the grave is someone else like Oliver's kid or the mother of his kid, even though that would be really sad too. Nyssa finally out and setting up her revenge on Malcolm was so much fun to see especially with them bringing back Katana into the mix. Overall this was a really amazing episode That I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.

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