Monday, June 6, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 12 "Fast Lane" Review

Barry tries to team up with Dr. Harrison but finds out Harrison prefers working alone. The Flash fights a new meta-human. Iris researches her brother's drag racing. Dr. Harrison starts stealing Barry's speed.

This was a really interesting episode but not the greatest of episodes. I loved the idea of bringing in Tar Pit and I loved his whole story plot in this episode and I kind of wish to see more of him in the future, hopefully. The parts with Barry and Harry was fine but it felt and little to pushed on both ends to keep the conversation going. Then Harry having fully created his device that will steal Barry's speed was really cool with how small and inconspicuous it was.But I have no idea of why Harrison thought that just a little bit of Barry's speed would satisfy Zoom enough for his to give Harrison his daughter back. I knew from the very beginning that Zoom wouldn't be satisfied until all of Barry's speed was his. But in the end, the device made a good scene were Harrison admitted to them all what he did to Barry. All the parts with Iris were so boring and just seemed really pointless until the actual drag race scene where everything went wrong. I was curious how they were going to bring in the full world of earth 2 but now in the next episodes we get to see and I'm so excited to see Killer Frost in action.

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