Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 22 "Infantino Street" Review

Barry chooses to use any means necessary to save the woman he loves; The Flash turns to Captain Cold for help.

This was such a great episode that kind of felt like two episodes smashed together but it managed to stay really organized and was so entertaining to watch. I really loved how throughout this whole episode they had this feeling of dread because everyone knew that if they failed what they were trying to do that night would be the night Iris will die. I also liked that the team finally started to do things where they made plans on what to do but didn't include Barry in those plans because if Barry doesn't know then Savitar doesn't know. All the moments with Barry trying to get a hold of the power source needed to power the speed force bazooka were so great. I did like that they did have one moment where Barry goes and tries to ask Lyla nicely for the power source instead of just having him plan to break into ARGUS and steal it for himself. That being said I loved all the scenes between Barry and Captain Cold where they are breaking in and go through all of Captain Cold's strategies on how to best break into places with his plans following four steps of make a plan, follow the plan, something goes wrong, ditch the plan, or something like that and it was so great how each part of those four steps came into place. Then it was cool how even though Barry is super desperate to do anything in order to save Iris he still has a really nice side of him that is willing to stick around and save Captain Cold even though it would be way easier for him to just run away with the power source, and with that I defiantly agree with Lyla that he deserves to have the power source. The part where H.R. reviles the location of Iris to Barry was really dumb because wasn't the whole point to not even tell present time Barry so future Barry wouldn't find out so just them talking about it in the first place to either Barry was really dumb. I loved when the final scene was taking place and they had the voice over from the message that Iris recorded playing over all the drama. The ending was really cool but also surprising to see how everything turned out and I can't wait to see what will happen in the season finale and where everyone will go from there. And just overall this was a really great episode and it was so entertaining to watch.

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