Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 25 "Scorp Family Robinson" Review

Tensions run high for members of Team Scorpion when they must overcome personal conflicts to be rescued from the desert island they crash landed on three weeks earlier.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was still pretty cool to watch and see how the team eventually got off the island. I knew going into this episode I would care much for it because it was a big continuation of the last episode just dragging the storyline out farther. I did like seeing the team split up and how everyone sorts of became really agitated with each other due to the lack of food and lack of privacy. It was interesting to see the two teams come up with different plans to get off the island with Walter's team making some kind of device that would shake the island enough that scientific researchers might come and look, while Toby's team is working on building a raft to get in the shipping lanes to maybe be picked up by some boats that will go by. And I liked how each team needed the same item that they had to get from Sylvester and in order to get that item they needed to prove why their idea is better than the others. I was kind of cool how they eventually did get the team to work together again by having an event happen that caused them to have to go in and save Ralph and the pilot. Then ending I wasn't too excited about because of the fact that most of them just went back to their normal lives without too much of their time on the island affecting their life back in LA. And I'm still not happy about Walter and Paige's relationship but I like that they finally got the bulk feeling out of the way so maybe in the season to come they will be less awkward around each other and hopefully, it won't be so much in our faces that they are in a relationship. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode but not the strongest of episodes to end the season on. 

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