Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 22 "Nevertheless, She Persisted" Review

Supergirl challenges Rhea to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman returns and Cat Grant offers Supergirl some sage advice.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a really good job for a season finale at wrapping everything up from the season and bringing everything in from start to end. I loved the beginning fight scene between Supergirl and Superman especially with the introduction of silver kryptonite that makes the person affected see their worse enemy so Superman thought he was fighting Zod instead of Supergirl. All the preparation for the fight between Rhea and Supergirl was very interesting to see all of what Kara did to try and make it a fair fight and set things up just in case she lost. But with that, it was a little annoying that neither side of the fight stuck to the rules about not proceeding with their attacks until the fight was over. The moments between Lena and Lillian were very interesting with Lena still hating her mother and her mother starting to believe that maybe Lena is the better candidate to help in her quest to destroy any alien life over Lex. But I did like how when Lena was given the weapon that could destroy Supergirl and Superman she decided to change it so that it could work for there current fight where the machine would case out into the atmosphere a high amount of lead instead of kryptonite. I was interesting how they had an underlining choice that Kara had to make where she had to choose between saving the people of earth or the man she loves Mon-El. Then the ending was really great with Kara still working through her heartbreak but still wanting to stick to her underlining instinct to go out and be Supergirl. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next season might bring especially with what the ending teased with an evil Kryptonian living on earth all these years like Clark.    

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