Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 20 "City of Lost Children" Review

National City is attacked by a Phorian, a normally peaceful race with telekinetic abilities.

This was a very interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments in it. I liked that a good part of this episode was just dedicated to James finding himself as a hero and just learning that sometimes you can be a hero with the need for a mask and powers. And just all that interaction between James and Marcus was so great with them comparing their lives to one another and learning to really trust each other. I liked that Mon-El's mother being back wasn't a complete surprise to them by having a scene where Mon-El spotted her out with Lena. Then the other problem in National City of all this extra physic activity being connected to the machine Lena is building was very interesting with how they made all those connections. I loved the ending fight scene between Kara, Mon-El, and Rhea, especially the whole conversation of lies between Mon-El and Rhea about why she came back to earth and what happened to Mon-El's father. And just overall this was a really great episode and with how it ended I'm really excited to see where they will go next.

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