Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 19 "Alex" Review

When Alex is kidnapped, Supergirl and Maggie must work together to save her.

This was a really great episode that took a bit of a different path with Supergirl. I really liked all the conflict between Kara and Maggie when it came to the ideas about how justice should be served, whether through force or words. I didn't much care for the ending however with Maggie and Kara switch ideas on saving Alex with Maggie using force and Kara using words. It was really interesting how Alex used her tracker as a beacon so that the DEO could track her down. It was a little weird however because that they never explained why it lead them somewhere else instead of to Alex. Then Alex using all these different tactical skills to stay alive was pretty cool. I like the moments between Lena and Mon-El's mother and them discussing the creation of some kind of portal device. It was really interesting to see Lena's choices when Kara wasn't there to gel her. And it was really interesting how the bad guy in this episode was an old acquaintance of Kara and Alex. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch.  

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