Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 20 "I Know Who You Are" Review

Team Flash meets a scientist who may be the key to stopping Savitar, but is forced into a battle with Killer Frost.

This was a really interesting episode that was entertaining to watch and see how everything turned out. I'm just going to come out and say this right now I'm really disappointed with who Savitar is because it was one of my top guesses and I was really kind of hoping it would be someone outside of the main group because why does every problem just have to revolve around something happening to the main six characters that caused them to go bad. I just want a new baddie that is completely outside of being someone we have gotten to know over the season. I really like the character of Tracy and how she was portrayed as a bit of a nervous wreck that has given up on all of her research about the speed force. The relationship between her and HR is kind of fun and I'm interested to see where it might go especially once the truth about who he is comes out because he is still where the cloaking device to hide his identity right. Tracy's plan to trap Savitar is kind of interesting with the idea of it being to use Savitar's own static cling he creates when he runs to trap him. Cisco being scared to hurt his Caitlin is kind of understandable but the suddenness of him feeling like his powers were out of control really came out of nowhere. And Killer Frost wanting to live up to her name and finally, kill someone was kind of interesting. Joe finally telling the truth about all of what he does to Cecil is okay because I like that he is finally happy with someone. And just overall this was a really entertaining and okay episode to watch and I'm curious to see where they are going to go next.

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