Sunday, May 28, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 23 "Lian Yu" Review

Oliver assembles a group of unlikely allies - Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn, and Digger Harkness - to engage in an epic battle against Chase and his army.

This was a really entertaining episode that was a really great season finale episode that is a nice job of wrapping everything up from this season as will as introduce some new problems for the next season. I really enjoyed the team up of all these kind of random people from Oliver's life helping him out to save his family and friends. The only one that was kind of a problem and a little confusing was Digger Harkness because he kind of came out of nowhere and all the sudden switched to working with Adrian to then just kind of disappearing partway through this episode, so it really kind of felt like they wanted him in this episode but didn't know what to do with him. It was really interesting how they chose to split up team arrow into a few different spots and it was interesting to watch how Oliver progressed from point A, to point B, to point C. Then the small storyline between Thea and Merlyn in this episode was kind of interesting with Thea finally settling on that fact that she does have some connection to Merlyn with how much he has helped her grow as a character and now with the idea that he might be gone she is feeling a little heartbroken about it, even though I don't think he is really dead because they can't just kill off a character like him. Then I really loved how they had these little personal battles with the two people you would like to see face each other do so it was Oliver vs Adrian, Thalia vs Nyssa, and Black Canary vs Black Siren. And it was really great to see how each of those little fights turned out and I loved when Quinten actually referred to Dinah as the Black Canary. Then Adrian's whole plan of how he thought everything was going to work out was really kind of far fetched that again brought up one of the questions I asked in the last review which was how many times did Arien sneak off to Lian Yu because to fill out everything they way it was he had to have made several trips and how did no one notice that. But it was interesting with how Adrian stuck to his plan of trying to prove Oliver is a killer and will always be a killer and when Oliver didn't agree with that plan Adrian had to and push him a little further by bringing up the fact that he killed Oliver's son. And with that, I loved how SladeAnd the rest of the team reacted to the idea that Oliver son might be dead but Oliver refused to believe that. Adrian's secret other plan was interesting with him laying bombs all through Lian Yu and Adrian making himself the detonator so if he dies Lian Yu explodes. Which seemed a little weird how he made himself the detonator instead of having a button because how would that ever really happen. The whole final scene between Oliver and Adrian was really great with Oliver making the decision of saving Willam or all of his friends. I am a little angry that when it came down to is Adrian is still dead even though Oliver wasn't the one who killed him. And with how this episode ended I'm curious and excited to see what will happen next season. And I do think that everyone on the island is still alive after it exploded because I think Oliver gave Slade some kind of code word when Oliver told Felicity to tell Slade to take them to an ARGUS dock I feel like that was some kind of code word that made Slade bring them to some kind of safe bunker and their all okay. And just overall this was a really great season finale episode And I'm so excited to see what they are going to do next season. 

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