Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Gotham Season 3 Episode 16 "These Delicate and Dark Obsessions" Review

Gordon discovers new information about his father and uncle's past just as the Court of Owls devises a new plan for the future of Gotham.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was a little confusing but still interesting to see how everything played out. I liked all the moments with Penguin and Ivy and the growth of Ivy's abilities of persuasion. And it was cool to watch Penguin grow to trust Ivy and I can't wait to see the army of freaks get together. Then Gordon going around learning more of the truth about his father's death was interesting but when the truth came out I still don't understand why Gordon's uncle wanted Gordon to know who actually killed his father. It was really cool how Gordon needed some help to secretly follow the Court of Owls so he sent Barbra to track the weapon for him. Then the ending for Gordon makes me excited to see what he will do next. Then all the moments with Bruce and the Shaman were really great with the Shaman trying to help Bruce become the protector of Gotham. It was really great how they addressed how Bruce never really left the alley where his parents died because that is so true to Batman and how one small thing can bring him back to that night. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see where they will go from here. 

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