Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Librarians Season 4 Episode 11 "And the Trial of the One" Review

As tensions between the Librarians escalate over which of them is the most deserving to participate in the tethering ceremony with Baird, the Library steps in and turns each of the Librarians into their most primal selves, and are sent to survive a terrifying alternate reality to determine who is the most worthy.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that in my opinion with a few changes it could have made a great season finale. I really liked the idea of this group of trials that are created to pick the best Librarian, but I wished they would have been explained a bit more because some parts kind of seemed really weird. Like the fact that it was explained at the beginning of the trials that it is just about the Librarians and Baird can't get involved but all she ended up doing was getting involved. Then the beginning part of the trials was great with each of the Librarians forced to live through there greatest fears with Casandra's being forced to relive a time she was bullied, Jakup's was his fear of magic playing out, and Ezekiel's was finally being caught and sent to prison. Mixed in with these fears they had the other Librarians playing a role in there torture so they learned to hate each other which was a really clever idea to get them willing to fight each other to the death. Then Baird part in all this was weird like I said where at first it seemed like she was separated off to watch everything that was happening to the Librarians but then there was a turn where it turned out she was a part of the trial as well. The ending was interesting with the Librarians refusing to fight each other which cost Jenkins his life and I was really surprised they were willing to take things that far as to kill him off. Then the ending of the whole episode was interesting with the return of Nicole and her using her knowledge to destroy the Libray and turn the world into an alternate reality where the Library never existed. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode that had some great moments to it.   

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