Saturday, May 19, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 12 "For Good" Review

Morgan Edge accuses Lena of plotting an attempt on his life and Kara steps in to help her.

This was a really great episode that was a little confusing and hard to understand but still, it was so entertaining a watch and see how everything played out. The whole opening scene with Morgan Edge getting into an accident after having a conversation with Lena was interesting with how it all played out and I just have a hard time understanding Morgan's logic on how it could possibly be Lena's fault. Then the slow realization of the truth of what is actually going on was interesting with it is that everything was actually planned by Morgan to find a way to discredit Lena. I really love watching as more events kept happening we got to see a more darker Lena. I still have a hard time believing that Lena doesn't know that Kara is Supergirl and that was the most troubling part of this episode when Kara would have to switch into Supergirl and Lena wouldn't notice those moments were the moments that made Lena seem really kind of dumb. Then the sort of dramatic scenes on the airplane were interesting with Morgan attempting to poison the city's water as well as kill Lena and that didn't make much sense to me with how was all planned out because the fact that if everything would've worked out how would they explain Lena's body being in the back of the plane when she was supposed to be the one flying it. It was interesting to see Supergirl saved the day by catching both ends of the plane that split half and then eventually find a way to save Lena as well as stop the poison from hitting the water. Then the moment of realization that it was actually Lena's mother that came back into the mix to protect Lena in some weird way was a little confusing with the backward logic that Lillian had. But it did add up to a really cool confession scene for Morgan and a nice fight scene for Supergirl and Mon-El. Then just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode that had some confusing moments to it but it was still a nice watch.

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