Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Code Black Season 3 Episode 1 "Third Year" Review

A drug bust-turned-shootout tests the bravery of all doctors as they race to save a girl in the crossfire. Willis shifts his career focus to field medicine. Leanne faces the new but tragically familiar challenges that parenting presents.

This was a fairly okay and great first episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really don't know how I feel about the new first years because they are so drastic and over-the-top and just don't seem to fit in with everything that's going on. Now when it comes to Pepper I might grow to like her more once I get to know her more because the fact that she didn't get the best of light in this episode. But then Diego was just really kind of annoying and didn't seem to take his job all that seriously so unless something drastic happens to change his way of thinking I don't know if I'll care much for him. Then everything around Dr. Willis was interesting with him working in the field and making some very drastic decisions that put a lot of people's lives in danger but in the end, also saved a bunch of lives. Everything around the little girl, her father, and uncle was interesting with the connections back to Dr. Willis which makes me curious of which person Willis was whether he was a drug addict or the brother who gave up on the drug addict so I'm very curious and hopeful that they'll go more into detail with that in the future. Then everything around Mario and Noa was interesting with them working on trying to find a way to split up their lives as a couple and work colleagues and then coming into problems with that when they don't agree on a diagnosis for a patient. Then everything with Elliot was interesting with him being the one that right away ended up being in charge of some of the first years and him learning that he is their teacher and that he needs to be the one to watch over everything that they do when they are under his wing. Then everything with Angus was interesting and I'm really excited for him taking on the new role as possibly becoming a sergeant because I like the idea of them separating off the group more because otherwise that's a lot of people in one ER so separating him off with Campbell I think is a very smart move if they do do it right and I hope and believe that they will. Then just overall this was a really exciting and fun episode and I'm really curious to see where they'll go next.

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