Saturday, May 12, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 11 "Fort Rozz" Review

Supergirl and Saturn Girl recruit Livewire and Psi for a mission to recover a prisoner from Fort Rozz who knows how to defeat Reign.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode that did a great job of having a good solid story outside of the normal comfort zone for Supergirl. I really liked the idea of bringing back some of the villains to play heroes it was really interesting to watch both Psi and Livewires storylines as the episode went on. But that being said it was a little disappointing how they brought this whole powerful group to Fort Rozz and end up benching half so that it was mostly just about Supergirl and Livewire because Psi couldn't control her powers and it was affecting Saturn Girl. But even then it was more disappointing because Supergirl was such a dead weight for the team because she had no powers and everyone was constantly having to save her that the storyline might have gone better if they would have just sent up the Legion instead. The information that was eventually given to Supergirl about World Killers was really great because it set things up in a way that different World Killers could pop up at any time even after this season. Then the whole fight against Reign was interesting especially with it proves that there is a way to almost switch Samatha back on if given the right motive. Then it was fun to watch the interactions between Winn and Brainiac-5 as they were trying to one-up each other. Then just overall this was a fun but okay episode to watch and see how everything turned out.   

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