Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Librarians Season 4 Episode 8 "And the Hidden Sanctuary" Review

After Cassandra freezes up during a mission, she decides it's past time to go on a vacation. Searching for her ideal town, she lands on Havenport, the "Safest Town in America." At first blush, it seems just what she needed, but is there always a price to pay for unrealistic peace of mind?

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was probably my favorite episode of the season. I really loved that this whole episode revolved just around Cassandra and she had to figure out how to solve that problem all on her own. It was also really interesting how very few people in the town seemed to notice the odd luck of the town except for Cassandra and the friend she made in the town. It was fun to see town quickly the town went crazy once bad things did start happening. Then I really liked seeing Cassandra as an actual librarian in the town and the passion she had for the job and how she just connected with the one kid because of it. The scene where the whole town is holding a meeting and Cassandra brings up the question of what has changed recently to cause the bad luck was great because the one major thing that changed was her showing up. Then I wished they would have set up the fairy a bit more because the opening scene in the episode felt really kind of random and then they took forever to introduce the fairy as the bad guy but by then things were at apocalypse levels. It was interesting how the town managed to work together to trap the fairy and find a way to help it so it would stop harming them. Then just overall this was a really great and fun episode that I really loved. 

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