Sunday, April 22, 2018

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 13 "The Bunker Games" Review

Team Scorpion is locked in a doomsday bunker with artificial intelligence bent on killing them.

This was a very interesting and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of doing a lot with a little. It was interesting and kind of annoying to see all the moments with Toby in this episode and his jealousy over his enemy in his enemy's success caused a bunch of problems for the rest of the team. But on the other hand, it was interesting to see a bit more into Toby's past and how Happy reacted to meeting Toby's ex-girlfriend and Happy comparing herself to the ex-girlfriend. Then all the different ways that the teams came up with to trick the AI that was keeping them locked up was really interesting to see. Especially in the moments with Sylvester trying to trick the AI by coming up with a riddle that the AI would have to focus all its power on trying to solve. Then the moments with Cabe and Paige where interesting with them being outside the house and trying to help the team but they're not the smart members of the team so they have to come up with other ways to work around the AI's plans. Then it was interesting to see how Toby's enemy reacted when things start to go south very fast and how the truth eventually came out that Toby is actually living a far happier life than his enemy or his ex-girlfriend is. Then how the team actually managed to escape the house and stop it from causing a whole bunch of other problems was interesting once everything was set in place and worked out. And just overall this was a really interesting and kind of fun episode to watch and see how everything played out.

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