Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 1 "Chapter 9" Review

Unlikely alliances are formed and the search for the Shadow King begins.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode that continued to do a good job of playing with what is real and what is in David's head. I really liked that they finally showed Division 3 and just how everything there looked and the weird guy who is in charge who you can't see his face it was just all really great. I'm a little confused by the sudden change in Division 3 where last season they seemed like this really secret service group that worked in the shadows but now in this one they are much more public and a much larger group of people. Then everything with David and Syd in this episode was great with them dealing with the fact that they have been separated for a year and everything has changed. Then I really liked the moment where Syd talks about how much David has changed and he reminds her that technically she is the one who has changed and he is still the same as he was the day he disappeared because to her it was a year but to him, it was a few hours. Then I really liked the scene inside David's head where he is talking to a "future" version of Syd and just how that whole scene was done with them talking without really talking and her using a light wand to communicate was all really great. Then the moments with the Shadow King were great with it being these random little pieces slowly being put out there of what Oliver has been up to since he left Summerland. Then the truth being put out there that David might be lying because Ptonomy saw David hanging out with the Shadow King in the year that David says he can't remember. Then the weird illness infecting people that are being spread around by the Shadow King is a really cool side story that I'm really excited to see what they are going to do there. Then just overall this was a really great first episode and I'm really excited to see where they will go next.

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