Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Librarians Season 4 Episode 5 "And the Bleeding Crown" Review

A Librarian from the past teams up with the Librarians of the present to take down an ancient and powerful enemy let loose in the modern day. When superfan Flynn is met with the prospect of teaming with his Librarian hero Darrington Dare, he could not be more excited, until Darrington leaves the Librarians with this dire warning: There can be only one Librarian - ignore at your own peril.

This was a really fun and interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it and it feels really kind of weird that this seems like the first major episode for the underlining plot of the season and it took this long for them to get to it. I really loved the introduction of a past Librarian in Darrington Dare and just getting to see the contrast and similarities between how he and the other Librarians operated. Then the whole episode revolving around Darrington and his mortal enemy that can time travel and create really bad clones of himself is a little weird of a plot line but it still was fun. And the side effects of turning the town's residents old was an interesting addition but it felt weird and kind of pointless in the grander scheme of things. Then Darrington bringing up how prophecy has stated that there can only be one Librarian is an interesting understory for the season and I'm very curious to see where that will take the characters. Then the whole decision Flynn had to make between being there for his friends or his hero was interesting to watch him jump back and forth before actually making a real plan. Then just overall this was a really interesting and okay episode that had some parts that I liked and some parts that I really didn't care for much.

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