Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 2 "Chapter 10" Review

David meets his oldest enemy.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many great moments to it. I really loved the whole plot around David trying to use his connection to the Shadow King to track down the Shadows Kings movements and figure out what he's up to without revealing that he's working with the Shadow King to the rest of Division 3. It was a little confusing on the part with Syd and how they find this old music box that connects back to her and she somehow blames David for it. Then I really really loved finally being introduced to the real Shadow King and him and David fighting off in a battle of the minds to just show off how powerful David actually is. Then the storyline around Cary and Kerry was really interesting with the Shadow King messing with their abilities so now the male Cary goes inside the female Kerry and them sort of having to learn how to deal with that and find a way to fix it. Then the whole storyline around David working to find a way to get back to the future said to ask her more questions was interesting and fun with the female Kerry having to take over for the male Cary on the science side of things and their little bickering and stuff like that. But then once they actually did get David to the future it was interesting to see his whole conversation with the future Syd and learning what happens in the future if the Shadow King were to die. And with that, I'm really curious to see what parts of this potential future might actually play out with this newer bigger threat that's supposed to come and wipe out a lot of the population and I want to know just where the Shadow King plays and all that. Then I also want to know just how far in the future this actually is because they continue to do a really good job of hiding Syd's face a bit so you could see just how old she is. Then the ending was really great with David working around this loophole of telling the current Syd about the future Syd and everything around the future Syd wanting David to help the Shadow King and him working around not telling anyone because of the fact that Syd is the one who told him not to tell anyone. And just overall this was a really interesting and great episode and I'm really excited to see what they're going to do next with the Monk that is inside Division 3.

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