Monday, May 14, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 11 "The Elongated Knight Rises" Review

A familiar villain returns to terrorize Central City; Ralph must rise up to defend the innocent while Barry is detained by his trial; Barry searches for the strength to keep his optimism alive in the face of his new circumstances.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a good job of expanding on the idea of what the team would do without Barry there to lead. I really love the whole thing about this episode with Ralph learning how to be his own hero and using his own skills and abilities to stop the Trickster. It was really sweet to see the little scene between Ralph and Barry where Ralph breaks into the prison looking to break Barry out instead Barry just gives him advice on how to be his own hero. Then everything around the Trickster and him getting together with his mother Prank was really interesting to see how their storyline went and how far they each were willing to go to do what they enjoyed. I was a little confused on how they manage to find this acidic substance that would cause Ralph's powers not work as well and really hurt him. Then it was fun when Ralph sort of dodge out for a bit and Vibe and Killer Frost were there to step up and be the heroes even though it didn't fully work out for the two of them. Then it was just really great to see Ralph finally suit up and in a real superhero costume. The moments with Barry in this episode or not the highlights but they were still interesting to see him adjusting to life in prison and everything that comes with that. Then the connection between Berry and one of the guys in prison was interesting with it being revealed that Berry's father helped him way back when. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode that was a really great watch.

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