Sunday, May 20, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 3 "Chapter 11" Review

After being in the tank to talk to Farouk, David realizes something has changed in Division 3.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had so many amazing moments to it. I did really enjoy the whole scene with Farouk and David talking to each other and trying to plan out how best to find Farouk's body and what his plans are to do with it. In those scenes, it was also great with Lenny and her trying to convince David to help her find a way to escape from Farouk's mind and well David and Farouk are talking she is doing all these different things to try and kill herself but none of them are working. Then everything at Division 3 with the Monk was interesting with the Monk's power is being able to trap people inside there perfect world's essentially but for some reason, it doesn't work on children so he uses some other abilities to sort of control them. Then each of the different world's David had to go through to free his friends was interesting with Ptonomy's world being his wish to forget and Melanie's world being her wish to control everything and how David managed to free both of them was just so amazing with him finding ways to get around their wishes essentially. Then the whole backstory of what actually happened to the monks and where they put the Shadow Kings body was so amazing with just how the whole storyline played out and it slowly revealing what this one monk did to the rest of his group. Then it was interesting with Cary and Kerry and them finding a way to free each other because one of them trapped inside their mind while the other isn't. And the ending makes me very curious to see what is going on in Syd's mind because of what the preview showed it looks like the next episodes could be a lot about Syd's past which I'm really excited to see. So overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode to watch and I'm really excited to see what the next episode will bring.

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