Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Librarians Season 4 Episode 10 "And Some Dude Named Jeff" Review

When Jenkins body-switches with a 28-year-old slacker named Jeff, he must find his way back into the Library to correct the mistake. But he will need a team to do it, and enlists the help of Jeff's hapless Dungeons and Dragons friends. Can they make it in time, before Jeff destroys the Library?

This was a really interesting and great episode that had so many fun and funny moments do it. I really enjoyed that this episode did focus on Jenkins and him somewhat of discovering what it's like to be mortal. Everything around that was really fun with him unwillingly taking over the life of Jeff and having to deal with the mundane parts of life. Each of Jeff's friends was really fun with how they played into the grander scheme of getting back into the library. With that, the whole backdoor Quest that they all had to go through to get Jenkins back in the library and back into his own body was really fun with all the different dynamics of it. Then everything around the Jeff inside of Jenkins body was interesting with how the librarians slowly managed to figure out that it's not actually Jenkins. I do wish they would have spent a bit more time on the librarians and Jeff but still, it was fun to see everything around that. Then everything around them saving the library from this monster that Jeff brought in and eventually switching the bodies back between Jeff and Jenkins was interesting but again I wish they would have spent a bit more time on the ending it just felt like a really rushed ending. And then just overall this was a really fun and great episode to watch.

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