Saturday, January 27, 2018
The Librarians Season 4 Episode 3 "And the Christmas Thief" Review
Santa takes Flynn, Baird, and Jenkins on his first vacation in centuries; the Librarians use Santa's sleigh to save Ezekiel's career-criminal mother, as well as Christmas itself, from Santa's grinch of a brother, the Patron Saint of Thieves.
This was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and see how everything played out and get to know a bit more about Ezekiel. With that, it was really fun to meet Ezekiel's family and get to see the environment that he grew up in and I really liked how we watching always knew him as this master thief but to his family, he is a failure because he never brought any of his success home. I really loved when they had to break into the house of thieves and Ezekiel had to keep reminding his mother to not say his name because he is very well known there for his past work. And just seeing Ezekiel gain favor from his mother once the truth came out was fun. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything turned out.
Scorpion Season 4 Episode 12 "A Christmas Car-Roll" Review
Walter passes out and his Christmas Eve dream is of a world where Team Scorpion has never existed.
This was a really great and interesting episode that did a really nice job of taking a different kind of storytelling with everything being a dream and still having a really well-written story. I really enjoyed how everyone fit into there different rolls in Walter's dream with what he thinks their lives would be like if they never met each other. Then how Walter eventually managed to convince each of them to help him was interesting but I wish the way he managed to convince Happy and Toby would have been a bit more personal then just they were happily married to each other in the other world. Then I enjoyed how all the different problem that Walter faced changed as his condition in the real world got worse. And bringing back Ray to be a guiding force for Walter was really fun. Then just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything played out.
Friday, January 26, 2018
The Librarians Season 4 Episode 2 "And the Steal of Fortune" Review
When people begin getting hurt in the unluckiest of ways, the Librarians follow the trail to a casino where the owner appears to possess an artifact capable of stealing people's luck.
This was a really great and entertaining episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it and did a nice job giving each Librarian there moment to shine. I really like the beginning of the episode where the Librarians are starting to realize the consequences that come with being the Librarian and having to keep it a secret. The parallels between there reaction and those of Flynn back in the movies was really great. Then Flynn taking on the more Judson roll was really fun with him popping up in mirror and stuff to give advice. Then I liked the connection between the Librarians and the case in this episode where Jake's friend is one of the people who got hurt by the bad luck. Then I liked the difference between Cassandra and Ezekial were once in the casino Cassandra was really lucky and winning everything and Ezekiel is freaking out because he isn't winning. The truth of what was actually causing the bad luck and who was the "bad guy" was really well done with the first guy they go after actually being an innocent victim. Then I really liked how the team got around the bad luck curse to actually stop everything was so great. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what will happen next.
Monday, January 15, 2018
The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11 "3 X 1" Review
The mutants must decide who they can trust.
This was a really great and interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I didn't much care for the idea of the Strucker's decided to all the sudden leave and go to Mexico. I especially didn't like it because by the end of the episode they were just back to where they started so their whole trip was kind of pointless. But with that, it was nice to see a different mutant hideout and how it was operated and bringing back a few past characters. Then everything around the Frost triplets was so great because they were done so well with how they work well together and separate. And just how they weaved there way into everyone's mind to find some way to gain everyone's trust was so well done. Then the moments with Polaris in this episode was really interesting with it finally being shown that she knows nothing about her real father and is trying to remain away from the idea of finding out who he is but when the Frost triplets show up and say that they know her father that got her curious. So I'm excited to see how all that will play out and what truths will be revealed. Then the truth being shown of what Dr. Campbell has been working on was really interesting but I'm curious to know more. Like can the combined powers only work if the baseline powers are similar or can he combine any two powers together? Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and I'm curious to see what will happen in the season finale.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
The Librarians Season 4 Episode 1 "And the Dark Secret" Review
A secret sect of the Vatican Church unearths a map detailing the locations of the four cornerstones of the Library of Alexandria; Flynn and the Librarians work with an unexpected ally to stop them before the stones can be used to destroy the Library.
This was a really entertaining and great first episode to introduce the season. And I really enjoy the concept that they're going with by making Flynn and Baird the new versions of Judson and Charlie. Even though I don't think it's going to work out it'll still be an interesting backstory line to see play out. Then bring back Nicole in the story was really great with how they decided to bring her back from the dead and how that affected Flynn was interesting to see how the character development between the two of them worked especially once Flynn told Nicole the truth. I am still very confused where her plans lie whether there for or against the library but I'm really excited to see if and when Nicole will ever make an appearance again because of she now she sort of is the only member that remains from the movies besides Flynn. Then everything around the librarians looking for The Corner Stones and where they were all headed was entertaining to see once everyone found them. These members of the Vatican church going and looking for these cornerstones was also interesting with how all that played out but I do wish that this evil force that was these members would have been introduced a bit earlier than this episode because it seems like a really important set of villains that were just kind of thrown in there. But then overall this was a really entertaining and exciting episode and I'm really excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next.
Scorpion Season 4 Episode 11 "Who Let the Dog Out ('Cause Now It's Stuck in a Cistern)" Review
It's time for Cabe's trial and the team are anxious to know the outcome. They channel their nervous energy into saving a dog stuck in a cistern.
This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really enjoyed the concept in the storyline with the team being shut out from being there to support Cabe in his trial so the team has to come up with things to distract them from all their anxiety about what might happen. All of the ways that each of the members still with their anxieties was interesting with Happy resorting back to being angry all the time, Toby becoming a daredevil, and Walter constantly eating his anxiety away. Then everything around the team trying to save this puppy was interesting with all the different ideas that they came up with and the Homeland guy who came to assess them being there to help them out and things like that were just all really entertaining to see. Then everything around the court case and all the ways that Sylvester tried to prove his point was entertaining to see how it all just sort of backfired at him in one way or another. But then his final solution to prove Cabe innocent was interesting with him discovering this old court case that sort of fell under a similar storyline as Cabe's. Then just overall this was really entertaining and great episode to watch and see how everything turned out.
The Orville Season 1 Episode 12 "Mad Idolatry" Review
The crew crash land on a planet from another universe; Ed and Kelly consider getting back together.
This was a really interesting and entertaining season finale episode that had a lot of really great moments do it. And I really enjoyed the concept that they put out in this episode with them dealing with the rise of this religion around Kelly. And just how the team tried to come up with solutions to get the citizens of this planet away from worshiping Kelly was interesting with all their different attempts that they did to try and fix the problem. Then the whole idea around this planet that they discovered was really cool with them finding out that this planet lives in two dimensions and when it skips between those dimensions the planet's timeline moves ahead about 700 years so that being a problem that the team had to work around was really cool because it was a kind of new idea. Then the final solution that the team came up with to actually fix the problem was well done with them knowing the consequences actions but realizing it's their best solution. Then the whole conversation at the end of the episode was well done with citizens from the planet talking to Kelly and bring up that what she did wasn't necessarily a bad thing because the people on the planet were just looking for an idol to worship and if it wasn't her it would have just been something else so her impact wasn't as big of a deal as they thought. Then the whole part of Ed and Kelly getting back together was an interesting storyline that I'm kind of happy how it turned out. Usually, I'm not a huge fan of the whole will they won't they storylines but I really don't like the idea of them being a couple because it complicates the storyline more with them dealing with their relationship as well as being captain and first officer. And just overall this was a really amazing season finale episode and I'm very excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next now that it has been confirmed for a season 2.
The Flash Season 4 Episode 9 "Don't Run" Review
Amunet kidnaps Caitlin and forces her to perform a tricky medical task and the Thinker traps the Flash in a speedster-proof prison.
This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really enjoyed the concept in this episode where the rest of Team Flash has to decide what to do and whether they should put their effort into saving Berry or Caitlin. It was interesting to see Iris finally step up and take that leadership role when she realizes that everyone else is looking for guidance on what to do and she's the voice of reason. Then the moments between Cisco and Ralph was entertaining and interesting with them figuring out how to work together. Then everything with Barry was okay with him figure out more of what the Thinker has planned and finding a way to get out of this speed proof cell he is in. Everything with Caitlin was great with her being in the situation where she could easily free herself if she became Killer Frost but she wants to prove to herself that if she tries to find a solution without Killer Frost. I'm not all that excited about the idea of the Thinker changing to a new actor because I really enjoyed the way he was being portrayed and now him having the ability to body switch seems a little too different for my liking even though I knew that that was a part of the thinker's powers. And then just overall this was a really amazing episode and I'm so excited to see where they're going to take the story when it comes back now that Barry has been put up for murder.
The Gifted Season 1 Episode 10 " eXploited" Review
Jace is forced to hand over something valuable to Dr. Campbell; the team is divided on what they should do next, so Reed and Caitlin take matters into their own hands.
This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really enjoyed all the moments with Lauren and Andy and them being asked to show the scientist what their powers do when their combined and the introduction of adamantium and all that stuff around that was just all interesting to see. How Dr. Campbell actually managed to convince Andy and Lauren to combine their powers was really evil and really shows his character's personality and I'm excited to see what's going to happen once the truth comes out to the rest of the underground members. Then when Andy and Lauren actually used their combined powers and what all happened was really amazing to see that their powers are so strong that they can even break through adamantium. Then the moments with Reed and Kate were interesting with them figuring out a way to get through Sentinel services and get their kids back and just how all that worked out was interesting to see. Then the truth coming out about Esme and her sisters and just how all the ending looked was amazing and I'm so excited to see what they're going to do with the triplet clones. And it was interesting how the rest of the underground dealt with Esme as they also they put the pieces together to figure out what she's actually up to. And just overall this was a really entertaining and exciting episode and I'm really excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next.
Monday, January 1, 2018
The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9 "outfoX" Review
The team develops a risky plan to help mutants in Sentinel Service's custody; Reed reveals details about his family history.
This was an okay but kind of boring episode that was a lot of setups but no real important part of it. Because a lot of this episode was dedicated to the team decided to go and break into Sentinel Services and find a way to free all the mutants that are stuck there. And that was just not all that excited I am very excited to see what's going to happen in the next episode now that Lauren and Andy have been caught and will be tested on to see their powers. But otherwise, just that whole set up to them being caught was really kind of boring. And I did enjoy the moment between Reed and Kate where they're talking about Reed's past and him explaining how he was once a mutant and her reaction to that was interesting with her feeling offended that he never told her but then when he clears it up and saying that he didn't even know her reaction changed and that was just really well done. Then I enjoyed the ending with Lauren and Andy and them having the chance to use the combined powers to save themselves but Andy hesitating because the fact that he doesn't want to hurt anyone and that was just interesting to see the sort of character development there. And that it was all so cool and they did have a little flashback moment that showed when Andy and Lauren first combined their powers and I'm not really realizing what it was but that's where to being the trigger moment to get them to both look into their powers in the first place. And then just overall this was a really boring and interesting episode to watch and see how everything played out and I'm interested to see what's going to happen in the next episode.
This was an okay but kind of boring episode that was a lot of setups but no real important part of it. Because a lot of this episode was dedicated to the team decided to go and break into Sentinel Services and find a way to free all the mutants that are stuck there. And that was just not all that excited I am very excited to see what's going to happen in the next episode now that Lauren and Andy have been caught and will be tested on to see their powers. But otherwise, just that whole set up to them being caught was really kind of boring. And I did enjoy the moment between Reed and Kate where they're talking about Reed's past and him explaining how he was once a mutant and her reaction to that was interesting with her feeling offended that he never told her but then when he clears it up and saying that he didn't even know her reaction changed and that was just really well done. Then I enjoyed the ending with Lauren and Andy and them having the chance to use the combined powers to save themselves but Andy hesitating because the fact that he doesn't want to hurt anyone and that was just interesting to see the sort of character development there. And that it was all so cool and they did have a little flashback moment that showed when Andy and Lauren first combined their powers and I'm not really realizing what it was but that's where to being the trigger moment to get them to both look into their powers in the first place. And then just overall this was a really boring and interesting episode to watch and see how everything played out and I'm interested to see what's going to happen in the next episode.
Supergirl Season 3 Episode 9 "Reign" Review
Supergirl traces the origins of a mysterious symbol to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign.
This was a really great mid-season finale episode that did an amazing job of setting things up for the future. I really enjoyed what they did around the air direction of Reign finally coming to National City and just how all that played out. With things like Kara looking into the symbol that keeps appearing around the city and discovering its connection back to Krypton and of the guy who is super into the Kryptonian religion was interesting to see. And I really enjoyed his Cameo with it bring up the comment of the Fort Rozz people that are still somewhere on Earth and I really would like to see more of them make an appearance again. Then everything with them finally introducing the concept of the Legion of Superheroes was interesting being them going through a brief history of how the legion was originally set up and what all it does. But I am a little disappointed that none of the other members actually woke up in this episode and that we have to wait till the show comes back to actually meet some of the other members like Brainiac 5. Then everything with the whole massive fight scene between Kara and Reign was so amazing and well done and I just loved it so much because of the fact that it showed an actual villain that was stronger than Kara and in my opinion that's just something that hasn't been done before. Because in the past all the villains that Kara faced she could just pretty much defeat them by beating them up and she can't do that with Reign and just how that all turned out was just so brutal and well done. And just overall this was an amazing and well-done mid-season finale episode and I'm so excited to see where they're going to take the story when it comes back.
The Orville Season 1 Episode 11 "New Dimensions" Review
The Orville gets damaged by a spatial anomaly causing harrowing effects to all living things.
This was a really great and interesting episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it. I really enjoyed the set up that they had around this anomaly that the Orville discovered and how the crew dealt with that was really interesting to see. And then once it was actually discovered what this anomaly is and how they decide to deal with that was also interesting. Especially once it came to the ending of this episode where they had to go inside the anomaly to hide from the Krill. Then everything around lieutenant John was interesting with it being discovered that he’s actually really intelligent and Kelly decided that he should get an opportunity to become the new head of engineering and just how all that worked out was interesting to see. With John not really knowing how to be a leader and him figuring out what best leading example works for him. And then everything with Ed was interesting with it finally being discovered that Kelly helped to get him his position and him dealing with that and figure it out how he could carry on with this position knowing that he doesn’t fully deserve it. And then that moment where he made the decision that he was possibly going to sacrifice himself to just prove to himself that he is worthy of being the captain was interesting to see. And then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see how everything played out and I’m really excited to see what’s going to happen in the season finale.
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