Monday, January 1, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 9 "Reign" Review

Supergirl traces the origins of a mysterious symbol to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign.

This was a really great mid-season finale episode that did an amazing job of setting things up for the future. I really enjoyed what they did around the air direction of Reign finally coming to National City and just how all that played out. With things like Kara looking into the symbol that keeps appearing around the city and discovering its connection back to Krypton and of the guy who is super into the Kryptonian religion was interesting to see. And I really enjoyed his Cameo with it bring up the comment of the Fort Rozz people that are still somewhere on Earth and I really would like to see more of them make an appearance again. Then everything with them finally introducing the concept of the Legion of Superheroes was interesting being them going through a brief history of how the legion was originally set up and what all it does. But I am a little disappointed that none of the other members actually woke up in this episode and that we have to wait till the show comes back to actually meet some of the other members like Brainiac 5. Then everything with the whole massive fight scene between Kara and Reign was so amazing and well done and I just loved it so much because of the fact that it showed an actual villain that was stronger than Kara and in my opinion that's just something that hasn't been done before. Because in the past all the villains that Kara faced she could just pretty much defeat them by beating them up and she can't do that with Reign and just how that all turned out was just so brutal and well done. And just overall this was an amazing and well-done mid-season finale episode and I'm so excited to see where they're going to take the story when it comes back.

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