Saturday, January 27, 2018

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 12 "A Christmas Car-Roll" Review

Walter passes out and his Christmas Eve dream is of a world where Team Scorpion has never existed.

This was a really great and interesting episode that did a really nice job of taking a different kind of storytelling with everything being a dream and still having a really well-written story. I really enjoyed how everyone fit into there different rolls in Walter's dream with what he thinks their lives would be like if they never met each other. Then how Walter eventually managed to convince each of them to help him was interesting but I wish the way he managed to convince Happy and Toby would have been a bit more personal then just they were happily married to each other in the other world. Then I enjoyed how all the different problem that Walter faced changed as his condition in the real world got worse. And bringing back Ray to be a guiding force for Walter was really fun. Then just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything played out.   

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