Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Orville Season 1 Episode 12 "Mad Idolatry" Review

The crew crash land on a planet from another universe; Ed and Kelly consider getting back together.

This was a really interesting and entertaining season finale episode that had a lot of really great moments do it. And I really enjoyed the concept that they put out in this episode with them dealing with the rise of this religion around Kelly. And just how the team tried to come up with solutions to get the citizens of this planet away from worshiping Kelly was interesting with all their different attempts that they did to try and fix the problem. Then the whole idea around this planet that they discovered was really cool with them finding out that this planet lives in two dimensions and when it skips between those dimensions the planet's timeline moves ahead about 700 years so that being a problem that the team had to work around was really cool because it was a kind of new idea. Then the final solution that the team came up with to actually fix the problem was well done with them knowing the consequences actions but realizing it's their best solution. Then the whole conversation at the end of the episode was well done with citizens from the planet talking to Kelly and bring up that what she did wasn't necessarily a bad thing because the people on the planet were just looking for an idol to worship and if it wasn't her it would have just been something else so her impact wasn't as big of a deal as they thought. Then the whole part of Ed and Kelly getting back together was an interesting storyline that I'm kind of happy how it turned out. Usually, I'm not a huge fan of the whole will they won't they storylines but I really don't like the idea of them being a couple because it complicates the storyline more with them dealing with their relationship as well as being captain and first officer. And just overall this was a really amazing season finale episode and I'm very excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next now that it has been confirmed for a season 2.

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