Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Librarians Season 2 Episode 8 "And the Point of Salvation" Review

The Clipping Book sends the team to a high-tech research facility, where the researchers have been turned into mindless monsters by some bizarre power source in the center's lab. When they disconnect the artifact, however, they find themselves stuck in a time loop.

This was a really great and kind of funny episode with an ending that I really didn't care for. The whole premise of this episode giving all the work to Ezekiel to do on his own was really cool. Giving this whole episode to prove that Ezekiel deserves to be a librarian as weel as all the rest of them. I liked that as Ezekiel advanced through trying to find a way out of the time loop he had to learn things from all the rest of the team and all of it sort of became second nature to him. It did get a little annoying every time they would die and have to start the whole thing over again and Ezekiel would have to explain everything over to them again and again. The ending was a little annoying that everyone remembered the last journey through the time loop except for Ezekiel so all the growth he did in this episode didn't happen. But it is also reasonable to do so because he couldn't be wondering around with the memories of watching everyone else dying over and over again because then he would turn into a completely different character than he was set up to be. Overall this was a really great episode and definitely a favorite.   

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