Friday, December 25, 2015

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 11 "Swan Song" Review

The dark siege of Storybrooke is underway as all of the resurrected Dark Ones target a living soul for sacrifice so that they can return to the realm of the living.

This was a really great midseason finally that absolutely makes it so that I can wait to see more. The Dark Ones trading a life to go back to the land of the living I think was a really cool idea and I can't wait to see how the might come back to bit them in the episodes to come. Emma so easily giving into the trick that Hook did on her in order to get Excalibur from her I think was so stupid. Because with how much he was playing with her before hand their is no way that quick change would have fooled her. All the moments with Zelena were also not all that great and I don't really care for the possible solo episode coming involving Dorothy unless it ends with the house falling on her then that would be great. The ending was a little annoying to for the fact so many of them are going into the underworld including Henry, Robin, and Gold. I feel having all those characters their is to help set up for a lot of reconnections with their dead love ones. I really kind of hope a lot of peoples theories about what will happen after they get back from the underworld is true and that their will be a bit of a time jump to help deal with all the babies on the show. Over all this was a great episode but it also had a lot of awkward parts.

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