Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Librarians Season 2 Episode 5 "And the Hollow Men" Review

While chasing one of the Library's missing artifacts, Flynn is kidnapped by a mysterious stranger with both amnesia and a collection of all the Library's missing artifacts. Soon all of them are in pursuit of the Staff of Zarathustra before it falls into the hands of Prospero.

This was a really great and funny episode that had an ending that somehow I managed to predict. Flynn and his mysterious kidnapper had a lot of really funny moments and I really liked all the scenes with them. The opening scene was really great where Flynn and Eve where having and argument about communication and how it wasn't working out for them. I especially like the joke in the opening scene about old writings being very cryptic and not straight forward. I feel like it was the old Warehouse 13 mindset in my head that helped me predict the right answer on who Flynn's kidnapper was because I got it pretty quickly. Over all this was a really funny and great episode.

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