Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 6 "Call to Action" Review

As everyone gathers for Thanksgiving, Kara is feeling down after her televised debate with Ben Lockwood; James and Lena argue about the best way to handle the Children of Liberty.

This was a really interesting episode that had some entertaining moments to it but it also did feel a little long at some points. It was really interesting and kind of cool to see Supergirl and Manchester Black working together to take out Children of Liberty members. Then everything with James working to continue to grow a relationship with the Children of Liberty in order to find the identity of Agent Liberty. The conversation between Lena and James was really interesting where Lena brings up the idea of changing peoples DNA in order to put them on an equal playing field as aliens. James's ideas around that were great where he brings up that is a nice idea but it is hard to regulate and makes some people to powerful. Then the whole attack on aliens on Thanksgiving night was interesting with how everything laid out with this secret invisible marks that the Children of Liberty's masks can see the marks on alien's houses. And it was really fun to see the one house that was attacked had some guard dragons that Supergirl had to deal with alongside the Children of Liberty. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that was kind of fun to watch.    

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 3 "Dancing Queen" Review

When the Legends discover a fugitive is hiding in 1970’s London, they realize he is part of a gang that is targeting the British Monarchy. Trying to stop the gang, they realize someone from the Legends must infiltrate them. Surprising everyone, Ray is the one to gain their trust after he is put through a series of tests with help from Sara and Rory. Meanwhile, Gary shows Nate the ropes at the Time Bureau, but it turns out to be anything other than an ordinary day at the office.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it and it was kind of fun to have a somewhat Ray focused episode. With that everything with Ray was really great with him trying to prove himself as a punk rock when he really is not. The best scene, in my opinion, was when Ray had to try and steal one of the queen’s corgis and how the rest of the team helped him out was really fun. The only part that kind of confused me was Ray’s reactions to everything going on and was he aware of others helping him or not. Then the team working to figure out who the magical creature is was fun when they first thought it was a leprechaun and they went through the whole test to see if there is one. The magical creature actually being a shapeshifter was interesting with the direction they decided to take the story where Ray was against sending her to hell. Then the shapeshifter getting stuck as Amaya was an interesting move that I’m curious to see how the team will grow to that new reality. Nate and Gary’s storyline wasn’t all that important but it was still fun to see Nate growing to this new path of his life. Then just overall this was a really fun episode and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 3 "To Witch Hell and Back" Review

Manfred helps Fiji discover what’s trying to kill Bobo; Rev struggles with his past; Joe embraces his new ‘night job’.

This was a really interesting episode that had some good moments to it as well as some kind of confusing moments to it. Everything with the Rev was interesting with him going to Kai to get his Weretiger removed and learning how to move on. I was really saddened by this part in the episode because we finally got a bit of the Rev’s backstory just to have him leave, and I hate how many of the characters are leaving. Then the moments with Joe were great with him demon fighting again but it was also disappointing with him cheating on Chuy and I really hope that something doesn’t happen to Chuy once Joe’s new “friend” figures out what Chuy is. Fiji looking into what was happening to her and Bobo did lead to some great moments but it was also a little confusing because I thought that Fiji already knew about the curse on her family. However, it was really fun to see Manfred go to witch hell t help Fiji and everything he had to do to not get permanently stuck there was really great. Then just overall this was a really fun episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 9 "Fire and Reign" Review

As Michael puts a spell on Cordelia he continues toward world annihilation, starting with the witches and warlocks. Queenie and Zoe look for answers with the Voodoo Queen. Madison takes an unexpected trip to an old friend's house.

This was a really great continuation of set up for the final fight in the last episode. The moments where Michael attacking the witches were really great with how easily he ripped through all of them to fully show off his strength. Then the moments with Michael and the Meade-bot were fun where it turns out the Jeff and Mutt can control Meade to say what they want so they can influence Michael to get what they want. And the moments with the witches in the cabin was interesting with them finally setting up the new personality spell for Coco and Mallory as well as coming up with a way to poetically stop Michael by traveling through time. Which lead to a really cool scene where Mallory tried to save Anastasia by using time travel. But I'm worried what they are going to do because time travel is a messy thing to control especially when it is suddenly added into a show. The ending with Michael finally meeting with the Cooperative made for a nice way to end the episode the on a great beat. Then just overall this was an interesting episode that wasn't all that eventful but it was still kind of fun to watch.  

Riverdale Season 3 Episode 4 "Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Midnight Club" Review

When Betty confronts Alice about Gryphons and Gargoyles, Alice has no choice but to come clean about how she, along with the other parents, played the game in the early '90s, how a shocking mystery has been plaguing them all ever since.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was so much fun to watch as see how everything turned out and it was really fun to see a parent-centered episode and how they all got to where they are now. It was a little annoying how much of a breakfast club parody they decided to make this episode but with that, it was fun to see how they chose to style everything. The moments with Penelope were interesting with the truth coming out of her being groomed into being Clifford's wife and everything around that was really interesting to see. Then everything around the game and which rolls each character took was fun to see how it somewhat of macheted them perfectly. Alice being the central focus character was also an interesting move with the secret of her pregnancy and her life-changing affecting some of her actions. Which played into a really great ending moment where Alice was the only one not super high so she witnessed some of the weird things that went on around the Gargoyle King. Then the mystery around the death of the principle and one of the kids being responsible for it makes for a possible great storyline in future episodes surrounding which one of them become the Gargoyle King. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I can't wait to see what will happen now that more people are starting to play the game again.   

The Flash Season 5 Episode 5 "All Doll'd Up" Review

Nora lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris. In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll. Meanwhile, Caitlin learns something about her father.

This was a really great episode that was a little weird and slow but it was still interesting to see how everything turned out. Everything with Nora and Iris was interesting with it finally being revealed that the reason Nora doesn’t trust Iris is that in the future she chose to hide Nora’s powers from her. And that was really interesting to see how all that played out but it was also a little confusing as to why Nora chose to blame Iris so hard on something she hasn’t even done yet. Then Rag Doll was a little weird with how they chose to explain his story where he was a rich kid who hated his life and when he gained his powers he chose to start stealing from other rich people, and I don’t really know why. Then everything with Iris was interesting with her proving that she is different from the future version Nora knows. But that being said it is a little weird how Iris risked her life so heavily in order to save Barry even though there are so many ways things could have gone wrong. Everything with Nora was some of my favorite moments in this episode where Cecile is telling all these stories about Nora’s parents and the twist that all the stories were about Iris and not Barry was so much fun. Then the moments between Cisco and Catlin was really great with them finding more information on Catlin’s dad and where he might be hiding. Then just overall this was a really interesting episode but it wasn’t the greatest of episodes.  

Manifest Season 1 Epiosde 6 "Off Radar" Review

Cal wakes with a life-threatening fever; Ben and Michaela look for a missing Flight 828 passenger and discover more than they bargained for.

This was a really interesting but also kind of confusing episode that was still really cool to see how everything went and turned out. Everything with Cal in this episode was really interesting with him having this shared connection with this guy that is among the missing passengers. The part that kind of bugged me was with Grace and when she finally got Ben to admit what has been going on with his and she chose not to believe him and instead thought of it as him looking for an answer to what was going on with Cal. And that was just really weird to me how quickly Grace chose to brush Ben off. My favorite moments in this episode revolved around Michaela and Jared looking into these black sites and just how they went about sneaking in was really fun. Then what all went down when things started to be made more public was interesting to see what happened when Vance started looking into things. Then just overall this was an okay episode with some good moments to it.   

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 7 "The Cat Who Cried Wolf" Review

Magnum takes the case of a little girl's missing cat and, in the process, stumbles upon another cat's murdered owner who happens to be an FBI agent.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was still entertaining to watch and see how everything played out. The whole storyline around the missing cat was a fun little extra bit to add into this episode where Magnum is doing all this different stuff to prepare to disappoint this little girl that he couldn't find her cat but because of the fact of his smaller actions he ended up bringing the cat back home and that was just an entertaining part to this episode. Then everything around the murder case was entertaining where they are looking into this death of an FBI agent and are trying to track down who killed him and why and stuff. And the truth of who actually did it wasn't super surprising but it was interesting with how everyone chose to approach it where it was an another FBI agent that had kind of gone rogue. And everything with detective Katsumoto was great where he was aware of actions of the killer and knew how to best approach and try and stop him but Magnum didn't really listen to that. And just the whole ending fight scene between Magnum and this FBI agent was really great with how they chose to end everything. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that wasn't all that eventful or exciting but it was still a fun watch.

Charmed Season 1 Episode 4 "Exorcise Your Demons" Review

The sisters begin to realize that juggling their two worlds is difficult as they await a meeting with the Elders.

This was a really great episode that had a very interesting story to it and just was so much fun to watch. I really enjoyed the whole storyline around the sisters trying to come up with a way to save Angela Wu and also get rid of the Harbinger inside of her. Just meeting the council of elders was also really great with meeting Charity and what all happened there was interesting to see with the council of elders deciding that the only way to fix this problem is to kill the Harbinger and Angela. The introduction of the secret pages that their mother left behind was an interesting part to come up with a spell to save Angela but it also felt really kind of weird and random that just felt like it made its way in there to end the episode. But then the whole actual exorcism scene and stuff were really great with the sisters doing all this different stuff to save Angela and just how it all turned out and worked was really well done. And then everything with Neko and her partner was interesting where they're looking into the disappearance of Angela and Nico's partner fully believes that the sisters have something to do with it so he starts stalking them and stuff was interesting to see. The only part that confuses me was his death because the fact that they never really showed what killed him they just showed him walking in on the exorcism and then all sudden once it was done he was dead so that was really confusing me as to what happened to him that killed him. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode that I really enjoyed watching.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 5 "Parasite Lost" Review

Colonel Haley makes a surprising decision about Supergirl; Kara writes a series of articles about aliens in National City that end up putting them in harm's way. 
This was a really great episode that had two very good storylines to it. Everything with Kara and her doing these interviews for the paper was interesting with how she chose to do it and just the alien she chose to interview was really interesting. And it interesting with what they chose to do with that storyline where Kara saw him as a truly good man that could do no wrong and the more she looked into him she discovered some possible darker sides to him and just how she chose to approach that and deal with that was interesting to see. Then just the whole storyline around this guy and him being a healing alien and having a secret daughter that he was unable to ever see and how everyone dealt with that was interesting. Then everything with Jensen in this episode was okay with him having the parasite inside him and needing to feed off of aliens powers to be able to keep himself stable. How they chose to show everything around that was okay with how Alex chose to deal with trying to save Johnson and just how much of a menace Jensen could become because of the fact of his fear. Then the moments with Alex and the new Colonel Haley were great where Alex was afraid that Haley was going to be very aggressive and mean but through most of the episode she was really nice and then once Alex chose to defy Haley's decisions that are when you really got to see this other side to the colonel. Everything with James in this episode was great with him navigating how to deal with his new spotlight in these anti-alien groups and just how that was all shown and stuff was really great but I wish they would have shown more of his fighting during the ending scenes when Jensen is causing a lot of chaos. Then just overall this was a really great episode that had a lot of very interesting and entertaining moments to it and I'm very curious to see what they're going to do next.