Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 5 "Parasite Lost" Review

Colonel Haley makes a surprising decision about Supergirl; Kara writes a series of articles about aliens in National City that end up putting them in harm's way. 
This was a really great episode that had two very good storylines to it. Everything with Kara and her doing these interviews for the paper was interesting with how she chose to do it and just the alien she chose to interview was really interesting. And it interesting with what they chose to do with that storyline where Kara saw him as a truly good man that could do no wrong and the more she looked into him she discovered some possible darker sides to him and just how she chose to approach that and deal with that was interesting to see. Then just the whole storyline around this guy and him being a healing alien and having a secret daughter that he was unable to ever see and how everyone dealt with that was interesting. Then everything with Jensen in this episode was okay with him having the parasite inside him and needing to feed off of aliens powers to be able to keep himself stable. How they chose to show everything around that was okay with how Alex chose to deal with trying to save Johnson and just how much of a menace Jensen could become because of the fact of his fear. Then the moments with Alex and the new Colonel Haley were great where Alex was afraid that Haley was going to be very aggressive and mean but through most of the episode she was really nice and then once Alex chose to defy Haley's decisions that are when you really got to see this other side to the colonel. Everything with James in this episode was great with him navigating how to deal with his new spotlight in these anti-alien groups and just how that was all shown and stuff was really great but I wish they would have shown more of his fighting during the ending scenes when Jensen is causing a lot of chaos. Then just overall this was a really great episode that had a lot of very interesting and entertaining moments to it and I'm very curious to see what they're going to do next.

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