Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Flash Season 5 Episode 5 "All Doll'd Up" Review

Nora lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris. In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll. Meanwhile, Caitlin learns something about her father.

This was a really great episode that was a little weird and slow but it was still interesting to see how everything turned out. Everything with Nora and Iris was interesting with it finally being revealed that the reason Nora doesn’t trust Iris is that in the future she chose to hide Nora’s powers from her. And that was really interesting to see how all that played out but it was also a little confusing as to why Nora chose to blame Iris so hard on something she hasn’t even done yet. Then Rag Doll was a little weird with how they chose to explain his story where he was a rich kid who hated his life and when he gained his powers he chose to start stealing from other rich people, and I don’t really know why. Then everything with Iris was interesting with her proving that she is different from the future version Nora knows. But that being said it is a little weird how Iris risked her life so heavily in order to save Barry even though there are so many ways things could have gone wrong. Everything with Nora was some of my favorite moments in this episode where Cecile is telling all these stories about Nora’s parents and the twist that all the stories were about Iris and not Barry was so much fun. Then the moments between Cisco and Catlin was really great with them finding more information on Catlin’s dad and where he might be hiding. Then just overall this was a really interesting episode but it wasn’t the greatest of episodes.  

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