Tuesday, January 22, 2019

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 9 "Fire and Reign" Review

As Michael puts a spell on Cordelia he continues toward world annihilation, starting with the witches and warlocks. Queenie and Zoe look for answers with the Voodoo Queen. Madison takes an unexpected trip to an old friend's house.

This was a really great continuation of set up for the final fight in the last episode. The moments where Michael attacking the witches were really great with how easily he ripped through all of them to fully show off his strength. Then the moments with Michael and the Meade-bot were fun where it turns out the Jeff and Mutt can control Meade to say what they want so they can influence Michael to get what they want. And the moments with the witches in the cabin was interesting with them finally setting up the new personality spell for Coco and Mallory as well as coming up with a way to poetically stop Michael by traveling through time. Which lead to a really cool scene where Mallory tried to save Anastasia by using time travel. But I'm worried what they are going to do because time travel is a messy thing to control especially when it is suddenly added into a show. The ending with Michael finally meeting with the Cooperative made for a nice way to end the episode the on a great beat. Then just overall this was an interesting episode that wasn't all that eventful but it was still kind of fun to watch.  

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