Friday, September 14, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 1 "The End" Review

After a nuclear attack, a select few must survive in a bunker dubbed Outpost Three ruled by a tyrannical matriarch.

This was a really amazing first episode and I have to say out of all the season this is my favorite first episode because they just got in there with the story. Which really surprised me because I was expecting the bombs to drop at the end of this episode at the earliest but they just started off right away with the bombs dropping. I thought they were going to spend the first episode introducing all the main characters and then after those introductions, you would see how they react to the bombs, but no they drop the bombs first and then you get to truly meet the characters which were so interesting to me.

Everything around Coco, Mallory, and their friends at the beginning of this episode were really great with the bombs coming and Coco happened to be rich enough that she has several tickets to Outpost Three. And I'm really curious on how they got to Outpost Three because from what they showed the group were up on an autopiloted plain to get out of the initial blast zone but then what happened to the next? I guess will just have to wait and see that in the next episode. Then Coco's husband Brock was really great with Coco deciding to leave him behind because he was taking to long to get to the plain and I'm very curious to see what happened to him and if he is going to come back and get his revenge epically if it is as a ghost because the ghosts are coming back this season.

Then the Outpost Three lifestyle was really interesting with the higher up being in purple and the slaves being in grey. Ms.Venable was so well done with the creepy nature around her but there are some moments that left me a little curious about her. Because the one scene where she went and dressed up in purple in secret made me think maybe she isn't supposed to be in charge but then with how this episode ended with the guy coming into the bunker to inspect it made it so she was supposed to be in charge the whole time. Then I really loved how she made up her own rules and tried to drive everyone else insane by limiting their food and trying to make them into cannibals. And her cane hitting the ground as she approached was a great thing to show her ominous presents everywhere.

Timothy and Emily were really interesting with them being part of the special group selected to survive because of there genes. And seeing Timothy whisked away from his family because he was the only one with these selected genes was really sad but also done so well. Then I'm very curious to see what is going to happen to them because they seem like the least disposable of the characters we have so far been introduced to and there is no doubt in my mind that there going to break the rules and have sex.

The ending makes me very excited to see who is going to be accepted into the new outpost and who is going to be left behind. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting first episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18 "Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember" Review

The Riverdale High Drama Department presents its spring production, Carrie: The Musical.

This was a really interesting episode that was a little weird but had a lot of really great moments to it. In my opinion, this episode did a good job for a musical episode because for the most part, all the songs were just them rehearsing for the play so it wasn't so bad as them breaking out into song. it was also really interesting how everybody got cast in these rolls that match their character personalities. I really loved how parts of this episode were filmed in a different style so that it looked like we were watching the documentary the Jughead was filming. Then the whole side story around this random person threatening to kill Cheryl if she didn't step down from her role as Carrie felt like it was going to be really important but it ended up being a bit of a throwaway moment because it turned out to be someone who was just mad that they didn't get the part. And I hated how they didn't give Cheryl the chance to step down on her own but rather have her mother show up and force her. The moments with Hiram trying to cause friction between Archie and his dad was really great with how they chose to show it with Archie trying to hide his new car from his father and Hiram spilling the beans on the car's existence. Then the ending of this episode was just amazing with everybody not realizing if what was going on on the stage was part of the play or not. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 19 "The Fanatical" Review

A disciple of Coville's escapes from what's left of his cult and gives Kara and James a journal that could help save Sam; Guardian is found out.

This was such a great episode that did a good job of standing on its own because it is one of the few episodes that has little to nothing to do with Regin. I really liked Tanya going to James to help find Supergirl and warn her about what is happening. And just all the moments around Tanya and James were really great with how Tanya treated James once she discovered his secret about being Guardian. I do however believe that they made the political message in this episode a little heavy-handedly because it was all about police brutality on black men and how James feared how people would treat him if they knew that Guardian was a black man. But with that being said Mehcad Brooks performance as James talking about what his life was like growing up as a black man was amazing the only problem was how the writing sort of spoon fed us all that information. Then the discovery how what the cult was doing as interesting but also a little weird because they discovered that the cult is working to make more world killers. Which is a pretty cool idea the only problem is when it came to this rock that can turn people into world killers is also the same rock that can destroy the world killer inside of Sam. and to me, that just seems weird and lazy. The ending fight scene was really great with Supergirl having to destroy the rock that can help save Sam in order to stop and save Olivia. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Legion Season 2 Episode 11 "Chapter 19" Review

David battles Farouk and tries to prevent the future.

This was a really amazing finale that had so many great moments to it. I really loved the battle at the beginning of the episode where David and Farouk were fighting with each other in any way possible. Then finally seeing Lenny's roll in this whole fight and what it is that she is supposed to shoot with a sniper was interesting but it was a little sad that her location was given away because of the second shot she did to save David. The whole conversation between David and Syd was great with Syd brings up how she is the true hero and David is the villain. I really liked how quickly the fixed the problem around David mind whipping Syd so that she would forget their conversation and just how everyone discovered David's tension was really great. I also really loved the ending where the trial that was supposed to be on Farouk changed and because about David and his future crimes. And it was so great how they finally brought up how David is not just crazy or powerful he is both and that is the problem when it comes to his power he can't figure out what is real and what isn't. Then the ending of David's escape from Division 3 was just amazing and I'm super excited to see what will happen now that it is David and Lenny vs everyone else. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next season.

Code Black Season 3 Episode 8 "Home Stays Home" Review

Mario joins Rox and Willis on the scene of a boat crash and, in Center Stage, Leanne works to save a brother and sister who drank boiling water through a straw as part of a challenge. Also, Max's father tells Leanne to keep Ariel away from his son after he finds them kissing.

This was a really great episode with a lot of really entertaining moments to it. Everything around the father and son in the boat accident was really interesting with Willis pushing a lot of his own feeling about his own family onto this father and son so that they don't end up like Willis and his father. I especially loved the ending scene where Willis tells the father to tell the son that he loves him and the father at first brushes that comment off saying that the son knows he loves him but then the more and more he talks he starts to doubt that himself. Mario dealing with his own family troubles in this episode was also great with him also having to face Noa and a death of a patient all in one shift. And Dr. Noa and Dr. Deagio dealing with an outbreak of gonorrhea at a retirement home as a very funny side story for this episode. Leanne dealing with the two kids and their absinthe mother was an interesting story with how Leanne dealt with all of it because at first, they didn't trust the mother but then when the mother managed to spot a change in her daughter health that the doctors didn't, Leanne was willing to work with the mother more and help her to fight for her kids. The whole side story around Ariel and Max was really sweet with how it all turned out and I really loved how they managed to fit Emily into that storyline. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.   

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 17 "Chapter Thirty: The Noose Tightens" Review

Hiram's mobster associates come to stir up some trouble; Things take a dangerous turn when an unexpected guest shows up at the Cooper residence.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of excellent moments to it. Everything around the Jones's and the Cooper's was so great with the car of the one killed drug dealer being found and they're all on edge waiting for things to be tied back to them. And I really liked the slight comment made where Jughead and Betty were told to act normal and there is a problem with that because there normal is to get involved which they can't necessarily do. Then when Chic leads a woman tied to the drug dealer back to the Cooper house it was great because you got to see both sides of Chic and how the whole family dealt with it when they were being held for ransom. Then the moment with the Serpents breaking into the house to save the Coopers was such a great moment to show that when it comes down to it the Serpents will protect there own no matter what. Everything with Archie was also interesting with him navigating that line between the Lodges and his own family. And him reintroducing the red circle to threaten the other mobster and help Hiram was interesting but I can't wait to see when that will come to bite him in the butt. Then everything with Cheryl was just so amazing with Toni not believing that Cheryl went to a private school in Europe and she gets the help of Josie and Veronica to help track down Cheryl to a conversion therapy center at the Sisters Of Quite Mercy. And I really enjoyed the revelation the Josie had that all the bad things that happened to her were not because of some creepy guy but rather Cheryl trying to show her affection. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 18 "Shelter from the Storm" Review

When Reign starts hunting Ruby, Supergirl and Alex work together to keep her safe. Supergirl and J'onn look to Sam's mother for advice on how to stop Reign and come away with shocking news.

This was a really great episode that had so many amazing moments to it especially where it took the whole Reign storyline. All the moments with Alex and Ruby were great with the slow revile to who Reign is to Ruby. And the introduction of the Luthor mansion was such a great surprise to see it all in action and I hope there are moments in the future where they can come back to the mansion. Then everything with Supergirl and J'onn meeting Sam's mother was really well done from the fact that Sam's mother blames herself for what is going on because she made Sam suppress this other side of her for so long to the realization that Regin has always been a part of Sam in some way and has been trying to get out for years. The Legion deciding to leave was kind of sad because I really liked having them around to help out and Brainiac-5's deduction that if one legionnaire says behind to help out Supergirl their chance of success will improve by like 70% was an interesting way to get Mon-El to stay behind. And the whole reasoning for Mon-El to stay behind was really great with it bring up how Mon-El needs to decide his feeling for Kara and if he is willing to let those feeling go for good so that he can completely be with Imra. Then the whole final fight scene was great and now I'm really interested to see what they are going to do to try and save Sam. Then just overall this was an amazing episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

Legion Season 2 Episode 10 "Chapter 18" Review

David is ready for his revenge, while Syd learns something shocking about him from Melanie.

This was a really great episode that did an amazing job of setting up for the final fight coming in the last episode. I really loved everything with Lenny, Cary, and Kerry with them getting into the place where David told them and Lenny planning for her chance to get her revenge on the Shadow King. Then everything with Syd was really interesting with her and Melanie having a conversation about the true nature of David and how much of a villain he truly is. I especially loved those moments with how they were connected back to David who was torturing Oliver for information at the same time these conversations were going on. Then just all the little tricks and characters out in the desert to try and stop everyone from reaching the Shadow Kings body was so entertaining and great. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and I’m very excited to see what will happen in the season finale.