Sunday, September 2, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 19 "The Fanatical" Review

A disciple of Coville's escapes from what's left of his cult and gives Kara and James a journal that could help save Sam; Guardian is found out.

This was such a great episode that did a good job of standing on its own because it is one of the few episodes that has little to nothing to do with Regin. I really liked Tanya going to James to help find Supergirl and warn her about what is happening. And just all the moments around Tanya and James were really great with how Tanya treated James once she discovered his secret about being Guardian. I do however believe that they made the political message in this episode a little heavy-handedly because it was all about police brutality on black men and how James feared how people would treat him if they knew that Guardian was a black man. But with that being said Mehcad Brooks performance as James talking about what his life was like growing up as a black man was amazing the only problem was how the writing sort of spoon fed us all that information. Then the discovery how what the cult was doing as interesting but also a little weird because they discovered that the cult is working to make more world killers. Which is a pretty cool idea the only problem is when it came to this rock that can turn people into world killers is also the same rock that can destroy the world killer inside of Sam. and to me, that just seems weird and lazy. The ending fight scene was really great with Supergirl having to destroy the rock that can help save Sam in order to stop and save Olivia. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

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