Sunday, September 2, 2018

Code Black Season 3 Episode 8 "Home Stays Home" Review

Mario joins Rox and Willis on the scene of a boat crash and, in Center Stage, Leanne works to save a brother and sister who drank boiling water through a straw as part of a challenge. Also, Max's father tells Leanne to keep Ariel away from his son after he finds them kissing.

This was a really great episode with a lot of really entertaining moments to it. Everything around the father and son in the boat accident was really interesting with Willis pushing a lot of his own feeling about his own family onto this father and son so that they don't end up like Willis and his father. I especially loved the ending scene where Willis tells the father to tell the son that he loves him and the father at first brushes that comment off saying that the son knows he loves him but then the more and more he talks he starts to doubt that himself. Mario dealing with his own family troubles in this episode was also great with him also having to face Noa and a death of a patient all in one shift. And Dr. Noa and Dr. Deagio dealing with an outbreak of gonorrhea at a retirement home as a very funny side story for this episode. Leanne dealing with the two kids and their absinthe mother was an interesting story with how Leanne dealt with all of it because at first, they didn't trust the mother but then when the mother managed to spot a change in her daughter health that the doctors didn't, Leanne was willing to work with the mother more and help her to fight for her kids. The whole side story around Ariel and Max was really sweet with how it all turned out and I really loved how they managed to fit Emily into that storyline. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.   

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