Sunday, September 2, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 11 "Chapter 19" Review

David battles Farouk and tries to prevent the future.

This was a really amazing finale that had so many great moments to it. I really loved the battle at the beginning of the episode where David and Farouk were fighting with each other in any way possible. Then finally seeing Lenny's roll in this whole fight and what it is that she is supposed to shoot with a sniper was interesting but it was a little sad that her location was given away because of the second shot she did to save David. The whole conversation between David and Syd was great with Syd brings up how she is the true hero and David is the villain. I really liked how quickly the fixed the problem around David mind whipping Syd so that she would forget their conversation and just how everyone discovered David's tension was really great. I also really loved the ending where the trial that was supposed to be on Farouk changed and because about David and his future crimes. And it was so great how they finally brought up how David is not just crazy or powerful he is both and that is the problem when it comes to his power he can't figure out what is real and what isn't. Then the ending of David's escape from Division 3 was just amazing and I'm super excited to see what will happen now that it is David and Lenny vs everyone else. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next season.

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