Saturday, September 1, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 18 "Shelter from the Storm" Review

When Reign starts hunting Ruby, Supergirl and Alex work together to keep her safe. Supergirl and J'onn look to Sam's mother for advice on how to stop Reign and come away with shocking news.

This was a really great episode that had so many amazing moments to it especially where it took the whole Reign storyline. All the moments with Alex and Ruby were great with the slow revile to who Reign is to Ruby. And the introduction of the Luthor mansion was such a great surprise to see it all in action and I hope there are moments in the future where they can come back to the mansion. Then everything with Supergirl and J'onn meeting Sam's mother was really well done from the fact that Sam's mother blames herself for what is going on because she made Sam suppress this other side of her for so long to the realization that Regin has always been a part of Sam in some way and has been trying to get out for years. The Legion deciding to leave was kind of sad because I really liked having them around to help out and Brainiac-5's deduction that if one legionnaire says behind to help out Supergirl their chance of success will improve by like 70% was an interesting way to get Mon-El to stay behind. And the whole reasoning for Mon-El to stay behind was really great with it bring up how Mon-El needs to decide his feeling for Kara and if he is willing to let those feeling go for good so that he can completely be with Imra. Then the whole final fight scene was great and now I'm really interested to see what they are going to do to try and save Sam. Then just overall this was an amazing episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

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