Monday, July 30, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 16 "Run, Iris, Run" Review

Iris is given Barry's speed when the team fights a bus meta who has the ability to swap people's DNA.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch what it would be like if Iris and Barry switched places. It was interesting to see how Iris to the comment from Ralph to heart about how she always throws other people at the problem and never really puts herself in any danger. So this episode made it kind of cool to see her step up and do the heroing for herself and had to come up with quick solutions to problems just like Barry would have to. The one scene that kind of bugged me was when Iris was trying to put out the fire and by moving her arms in the opposite direction it somehow putts out the fire instead of increasing it. I get why the scene was there for comedic purposes but still, it was kind of dumb. Then the "villain" in this episode that they were trying to catch was really great because he wasn't actually a bad guy he thought his powers where to take away powers from people so he used it to stop bad people from hurting others but then he slowly learned the truth about what was actually happening with his powers. Then everything around Cisco and Harry building a thinking cap of there own to try and out think the Thinker was a really interesting side story for this episode with how Cisco reacted to the idea because he didn't want the chance of Harry becoming evil. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited for more.

Code Black Season 2 Episode 7 "Step Up" Review

Rox decides to make amends with her former step coach when she arrives to Angels Memorial with the local high school step team after a pyramid stunt goes wrong. Also, Noa pleads with Leanne and Campbell to try any other method before performing an emergency hysterectomy on a young teenage girl experiencing complications after giving birth.

This was a really great episode that had so many amazing and fun moments to it. I really loved the moments around Rox and learning a bit more about her rocky past and how she got to where she is. Then everything around the rivaling dance teams seemed a little too overdramatic and made very little sense because why would the other dance team show up to the hospital to randomly fight when none of there team was being treated there. But that being said the two teams final dance battle at the end of this episode was really great. Then everything around Elliot and Willis's father was really great with Willis's father giving Elliot the confidence he needs to remember that he is a good doctor and that he knows what he is doing. Then everything with Noa and Leanne was really great with how everything was handled around the teenage girl who had given birth and the girls mother who didn't want a baby to ruin her daughter's life. Then the slow reveal of the truth about why Noa is so protective of the teenage girl was great with the knowledge being shared that at one point in her life Noa was the teenage girl and things didn't go well for her so she wants a better life for this other girl. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what will happen next.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 8 "Chapter 16" Review

David gets a lead on where a certain person's body might be, and he has a crazy plan to get there.

This was a really interesting episode that was really kind of boring and nothing in this episode was very impactful it was more just a lot of set up for the episodes to come. It was really cool to watch David put thoughts in peoples heads on how they're going to help him find the body, then actually watching some of them start going on there missions to help was fun. I did really love the scene where Syd and Clark are talking about David and how much of a problem he is and could be in the future and it was really great to see Syd evaluating her life with David and finally seeing some aspects of there relationship without the "love goggles" on. Then the little interlude in this episode talking about Plato's cave theory and how that and smartphones relate to the idea of people not caring about things that aren't right in front of them, that whole thing was a really great moment but it seemed really out of place and I could figure out how it tied back into everything else that is going on in this episode. Everything with Melanie in this episode made me both really angry and excited because I'm angry with how they have been treating Melanie in this season because she was such a strong and great character last season and now she has been withered to almost nothing. But I'm also excited to see what a mind-controlled Melanie might get up to in the episodes to come. Then just overall this was a really boring and unimportant episode and I'm very curious to see what will happen next. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 13 "Chapter Twenty-Six: The Tell-Tale Heart" Review

A hasty decision comes back to haunt Betty; Tensions between Hiram, FP and Jughead spiral out of control; Archie is forced to make a tough decision.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was a little confusing at moments but still fun. Everything with Betty was really entertaining around her dealing with the dead body that she helped her mother hide. It was so entertaining to see Betty putting more suspicion of Chic's actions and dealing this the paranoia of waiting to be caught. I really enjoyed how eventually Jughead and FP got involved to fix the mistakes that FP made in the last season. The Jughead slowly figuring out more of what Hiram is up to was interesting but still a little confusing because they aren't going into a lot of detail and it is really annoying because of that. Then everything with Archie and the secret agent was so annoying especially once it all can to a conclusion that made little to no sense which was that apparently the Lodge's hired him to spy on Archie to see if he could be trusted. Then everything around Hal, Alice, and Penelope were just really stupid of a subplot that really makes no sense. But still overall this was a really fun and interesting episode and I'm curious to see what will happen next. 

The Flash Season 4 Episode 15 "Enter Flashtime" Review

Barry, Jessie Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time when a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had an amazing story taking place around a few seconds. So to explain that a bit more this episode takes place with Flash and other speedsters slowing down time so that they can figure out how to stop a bomb from blowing up Central City. And with that, it was interesting to see all the different steps Barry went through to stop the bomb and how he slowly brought all his friends into play to try and come up with different plans that didn't quite go to plan. I really liked how they made Cisco and Killer Frost's powers not work while they were going at an accelerated speed, that seemed like a really smart move to me that made way more sense then if their powers did work. Then the whole conversation around launching the bomb into the Speed Force was really great with Jay bringing up how they don't know the possible consequences of a bomb that size going off in a delicate area that is the Speed Force. Everything with Jessie and Wells was really great with them finally finding a way to get out there anger towards one another find some solid footing once again. I'm not a huge fan of the fact that they gave Iris the ability to come up with the one plan that actually worked it really felt like they were giving her to much power and brains for who she is supposed to be as a character. But that being said the plan was really cool with Barry using that lightning from the Speed Force to stop the bomb and he did that by removing the device the team used to free Barry in the first episode of this season. The ending of this episode was really great with the whole conversation between Wells and Catlin about how Catlin remembers part of what went on while being Killer Frost and then the Mystery girl shows up to interrupt them. Then just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many amazing moments to it. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Code Black Season 3 Episode 6 "Hell's Heart" Review

Willis and Rox are called to the scene of a wildfire in the mountains of Los Angeles to tend to the injured firefighters, and they choose to stay to look for a missing young boy who was separated from his father in the chaos.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that had a lot of really amazing moments to it. Everything around Willis and Rox in this episode was really great with how they dealt with the thing that came there way while working in an active forest fire. It was especially great when they managed to get inside a kids mind and figure out where the hiker's son might have gone when the fire started up. And Willis finally opening up more about his relationship with his father and just more of his backstory overall was really interesting to see and I can't wait to see more. Then everything with Leanne and her dealing with her upcoming evaluation about how Ariel is adjusting was interesting with how everything turned out. The relationship between Ariel and Mario in this episode was really great with Mario learning that he needs to be there to accept that Ariel will make mistakes and he can help her through them. Everything with Eliot was interesting with him doubting his skills and always needing a second opinion even though he knows what to do and that hesitation is putting his patients lives at risk. Angus having to step up and take over because Campbell had family issues was really entertaining to see how Angus reacted when all the stress was put on him. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 7 "Chapter 15" Review

A delusion starts like any other idea ... But ends in disaster.

This was a really great episode with a lot of great moments to it. There wasn't a whole lot of David in this episode but what they did show was really great. With David finally confronting the Shadow King about what happened to his sister and making a statement that he will do whatever it takes to kill the Shadow King, all of that was just so amazing. Then everything with Syd, Ptonomy, Clark, and Kerry was just really great with there delusion and question about Admiral Fukyama taking over in drastic ways that they believe he is a lizard monster set to eat them and they decide to try and kill him before he can. I'm very curious to see what they are going to do with Ptonomy now that he is dead and kind of stuck in this weird cyberspace. The Shadow King going into the future to talk to the future version of Syd was really great especially with what it revealed, which was that without the Shadow King David becomes the villain. And that sounds like a great plot in the future if it comes true or I'm very excited to see what everyone will do to stop it from happening. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what will happen next.