Thursday, July 12, 2018

Code Black Season 3 Episode 6 "Hell's Heart" Review

Willis and Rox are called to the scene of a wildfire in the mountains of Los Angeles to tend to the injured firefighters, and they choose to stay to look for a missing young boy who was separated from his father in the chaos.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that had a lot of really amazing moments to it. Everything around Willis and Rox in this episode was really great with how they dealt with the thing that came there way while working in an active forest fire. It was especially great when they managed to get inside a kids mind and figure out where the hiker's son might have gone when the fire started up. And Willis finally opening up more about his relationship with his father and just more of his backstory overall was really interesting to see and I can't wait to see more. Then everything with Leanne and her dealing with her upcoming evaluation about how Ariel is adjusting was interesting with how everything turned out. The relationship between Ariel and Mario in this episode was really great with Mario learning that he needs to be there to accept that Ariel will make mistakes and he can help her through them. Everything with Eliot was interesting with him doubting his skills and always needing a second opinion even though he knows what to do and that hesitation is putting his patients lives at risk. Angus having to step up and take over because Campbell had family issues was really entertaining to see how Angus reacted when all the stress was put on him. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

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