Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 15 "Enter Flashtime" Review

Barry, Jessie Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time when a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had an amazing story taking place around a few seconds. So to explain that a bit more this episode takes place with Flash and other speedsters slowing down time so that they can figure out how to stop a bomb from blowing up Central City. And with that, it was interesting to see all the different steps Barry went through to stop the bomb and how he slowly brought all his friends into play to try and come up with different plans that didn't quite go to plan. I really liked how they made Cisco and Killer Frost's powers not work while they were going at an accelerated speed, that seemed like a really smart move to me that made way more sense then if their powers did work. Then the whole conversation around launching the bomb into the Speed Force was really great with Jay bringing up how they don't know the possible consequences of a bomb that size going off in a delicate area that is the Speed Force. Everything with Jessie and Wells was really great with them finally finding a way to get out there anger towards one another find some solid footing once again. I'm not a huge fan of the fact that they gave Iris the ability to come up with the one plan that actually worked it really felt like they were giving her to much power and brains for who she is supposed to be as a character. But that being said the plan was really cool with Barry using that lightning from the Speed Force to stop the bomb and he did that by removing the device the team used to free Barry in the first episode of this season. The ending of this episode was really great with the whole conversation between Wells and Catlin about how Catlin remembers part of what went on while being Killer Frost and then the Mystery girl shows up to interrupt them. Then just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many amazing moments to it. 

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