Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 8 "Chapter 16" Review

David gets a lead on where a certain person's body might be, and he has a crazy plan to get there.

This was a really interesting episode that was really kind of boring and nothing in this episode was very impactful it was more just a lot of set up for the episodes to come. It was really cool to watch David put thoughts in peoples heads on how they're going to help him find the body, then actually watching some of them start going on there missions to help was fun. I did really love the scene where Syd and Clark are talking about David and how much of a problem he is and could be in the future and it was really great to see Syd evaluating her life with David and finally seeing some aspects of there relationship without the "love goggles" on. Then the little interlude in this episode talking about Plato's cave theory and how that and smartphones relate to the idea of people not caring about things that aren't right in front of them, that whole thing was a really great moment but it seemed really out of place and I could figure out how it tied back into everything else that is going on in this episode. Everything with Melanie in this episode made me both really angry and excited because I'm angry with how they have been treating Melanie in this season because she was such a strong and great character last season and now she has been withered to almost nothing. But I'm also excited to see what a mind-controlled Melanie might get up to in the episodes to come. Then just overall this was a really boring and unimportant episode and I'm very curious to see what will happen next. 

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