Monday, July 30, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 16 "Run, Iris, Run" Review

Iris is given Barry's speed when the team fights a bus meta who has the ability to swap people's DNA.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch what it would be like if Iris and Barry switched places. It was interesting to see how Iris to the comment from Ralph to heart about how she always throws other people at the problem and never really puts herself in any danger. So this episode made it kind of cool to see her step up and do the heroing for herself and had to come up with quick solutions to problems just like Barry would have to. The one scene that kind of bugged me was when Iris was trying to put out the fire and by moving her arms in the opposite direction it somehow putts out the fire instead of increasing it. I get why the scene was there for comedic purposes but still, it was kind of dumb. Then the "villain" in this episode that they were trying to catch was really great because he wasn't actually a bad guy he thought his powers where to take away powers from people so he used it to stop bad people from hurting others but then he slowly learned the truth about what was actually happening with his powers. Then everything around Cisco and Harry building a thinking cap of there own to try and out think the Thinker was a really interesting side story for this episode with how Cisco reacted to the idea because he didn't want the chance of Harry becoming evil. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited for more.

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