Friday, April 15, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 14 "Devil's Due" Review

Hook's captivity takes a dark turn when Hades threatens to condemn him to the River of Lost Souls after Hook refuses to choose which three of his friends will have to remain in the Underworld.

This was a really great episode about Gold and reviling a little bit more about his past and it made for a bit more interesting story. Hook and Hades scenes together were really cool especially with them finally introducing the river of lost souls. The story with Gold and his wife was interesting with how much of a jerk she was to him because of his cowardliness. I mean I understand her anger with him selling their future second born child but she did send him to do a job that he was basically set up to fail and I feel she should have known that. And it was a little weird when they had the scene where Hook and Gold's ex-wife first meet because it a past episode a couple of seasons ago they had a meeting scene there which this one was suppose to say this it was before that older first meeting but they really don't fit together well in my mind. So the writers might be forgetting a bit of what they have already written know after five seasons of writing. Regina's whole scene where she's finding people's graves was a little unnecessary but it was an interesting tidbit about how the graves look shows where they are located. I called Bell's pregnancy because it was obvious with the actresses pregnancy. Overall this was a really fun episode and I'm curious to see where the story is going to go with how this episode ended.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i forgot they already showed when Hook 1st met Gold's wife. good catch!
